Casper Reflexology & Spa
Reflexology, AromaTherapy, Reiki, Feather Tapping, Essential Oils, doTERRA certified, Aroma Touch, spa,alternative medicine, wholistic health, energy healing
Love Potions - Aphrodisiac

Love potions!!! 



For that special night

Aroma therapy may help you and your partner celebrate the magic you share, that mysterious, fascinating, strangely beautiful emotional and physical appeal.  Aroma Therapy affects the senses in order to enhance personal qualities, improve health, body, mind, spirit and emotions. 

It may increase intimacy.  Enhance the magic you share, with exotic, romantic fragrances.  Whether you prefer a night on the town or romantic walk under the stars, subtle scents may relax you and help awaken sensations of comfort and warmth that could change into loving, intimate desires.

The use of essential oils, which work by soothing the mind and the senses, may happen to be excellent choices in order to obtain big improvements in the intimacy department with a partner. Spark the flame between you in the form of Aphrodisiac Aroma Therapy, an excellent natural alternative to drugs or chemicals.  Just remember, an aphrodisiac to one person may not be to another. 

Essential oils may provide, at least, an interesting different experience.  Since a balanced person is more likely to extend love, find an oil that brings balance to YOUR mind, body, spirit and emotions. 

My favorite essential oil is - a special blend made just for women -Whisper.  (While it is made for women, men respond positively when encountering the fragrance on a women.)  This oil blends with your individual chemistry to create a beautiful and unique personal fragrance. This oil contains rose, jasmine, bergamot, cinnamon, citrus, vetiver, ylang ylang, cocoa, vanilla, sandalwood, and patchouli.  

Other oils as aphrodisiacs:  Black Pepper, Sandalwood, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Ylang ylang, Cinnamon, Cassia, Cedarwood, Ginger, Clary Sage,  Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Melissa, Myrrh, Tangerine, Vetiver, Patchouli, Peppermint.    

How to use:  Diffuse essential oil into the air by dissolving 2-3 drops in 2 tsp. pure grain or perfumer’s alcohol, combine with distilled water in a 1 or 2 oz. spray bottle and spray into the air, on clothes or bed linens.  Aromatic diffusers - fill container to water level indicated, then add 4 drops Bergamot, 2 drops Clary Sage and 3 drops Cypress for a peaceful aroma.

Wear as a perfume- use caution, as some essential oils may cause skin irritation.  Dilute with coconut or other oil and wear on temples, neck or wrists.

Create a massage oil:  Combine 3-5 drops with 1 TBS fractionated coconut or other carrier oil.  Apply gently & generously to your partner, avoiding sensitive skin areas like the groin, underarms.

Create a bath salt:  Combine 1-2 drops with 1/4 cup bath salts and dissolve in warm water for a romantic bath.  Bath salt basics available in my store.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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631 Platte Park Rd, Evansville, WY 82636
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